308 GT4/GTB/GTS Spark
Plug wire replacement
(Printer-friendly layout!)
by Dom Vitarella

I installed new spark plug wires today in my
GT4, so I thought I would post a few photos, and a
description of the install. I am a Novice when it
comes to mechanical stuff, so this is geared
towards other's novices like myself who may
hesitate to try something like this. I can confirm
that this is an easy job. If I can do it, so can
I had done some searching, and it seemed that
there were a few people with 308's that were happy
with the Accel brand of spark plug wires, which
could be obtained cheaply ($~30) from your local
pep boys, kragen, etc.
The set I used is the Accel Part #4040R. These
are 8 mm wires, and work fine on the 308 cars. They
use the radio supression core. They have the
straight end boot, which fits right onto the plug
extender on the 308 cars.
The photo above shows the box of spark plug

The first step in the procedure is removing the
distributor caps. This is the hardest part, IMO,
mainly because of access. Each cap is secured by
three 8 millimeter bolts, and access to them is a
PITA. I think the job could be made easier if you
jack up the car, and remove the wheel and wheel
well so that you can access from below. I did
manage to do it without doing this, but it took a
little time.
Once you have the distributor cap off, on the
inside, you will see the 4 set screws for the
wires. (picture above). In the middle is a button
thingy, attached to a spring, that you remove to
access the fifth set screw which attaches the wire
from the distributor cap to the coil.
To remove a wire, you unscew the set screw (be
very careful, these are small, and they are made of
brass, so if you drop it, it's not going to be easy
finding it), and remove the wire.

Label each of the old wires prior to removing
them, just in case.
Once you remove one of the old wires, the next
step is to cut the new one to length. I used the
old wire as a guide to cutting the new wire, but I
added a little length, under the assumption that I
would rather go back and re-cut the wire than
accidentally cut it too short. Anyway, I think the
rule goes: measure twice, cut once.
The accel kit comes with 8 wires, and each pair
of wires is a different length. The shortest set of
wires will reach the furthest spark plug well and
then some. I used the shortest wires first, since,
as you will see later, you will need to cut one
extra wire for the second coil to distributor wire.
Once the wire is cut to length, you simply
insert the wire into the distributor cap, and
insert the set screw. The set screw will pierce the
wire, and presumably create the electrical
connection needed.
If you read the old archives, some posts claim
that 8mm wires will fit right into the distributor
cap, and some claim that the wire insulation will
need to be trimmed slightly to get it to fit. In my
case, I did have to trim the wire insulation
slightly to get it to fit into the distributor cap.
I just used a utility knife to trim it down so it
would fit. Some people suggest using a little soap
to lubricate the wire so it slides in easier. Do
not use grease or oil as it may attack the plug
wire or become an electrical issue later.

Now, remove the extender from the old wire and
attach it to the new wire.

Here you can see the first wire in place. Notice
that the new wires have straight ends, while the
old ones have 90 degree ends. The stock 308 wire
set is straight, so if you want the car to look
"correct" then you want a straight set, but in
terms of operation of the car, it makes no
difference. Once you've done the first wire, the
rest of the wires are done just the same.

Once you've done the first four wires on the
front bank, the next step is the wire from the coil
to the distributor cap. The accel kit comes with
one of these wires, but you need two, since we have
dual distributors. No problemo. As I mentioned
earlier, you can use some of the excess wire that
you cut off to do this. The kit comes with a bunch
of extra terminal connectors, so all you need to do
is crimp one on to one of the spare wires. There
are even instructions in the kit to do this.
Basically, you strip 1/2" of insulation away from
the spark plug wire conductor core. Fold the
conductor core back along the wire, and put the
terminal connector over the wire and crimp into
place. You put a rubber boot over the wire, and
connect it to the coil. The other end connects to
the distributor cap, just like the other set of 4
I tried to take photos of this step, but they
all came out blurry, so you can't see much detail.
Don't worry, the accel kit comes with the
instructions, and a diagram. Even I was able to do
Tada, you've now finished the first bank. Below
is a photo of the front bank after installing the
new wires.

Tada, you've now finished the first bank. Below
is a photo of the front bank after installing the
new wires. The procedure is the same for the rear
bank, but as usual, access is a PITA. Just make
sure that there are no kids around to hear you
Put everything into place, and start her up.
Everything worked fine for me, and I hope it will
for you too.