308 GT4/GTB/GTS Brake
Pad Replacement
(Printer-friendly layout!)
by Dom Vitarella

1. Lift the car and remove wheels.
2. On top of the front caliper are 2 pins that
need to be pushed out with a punch. The 2 pins hold
a pad retaining spring in place. Once the pins are
removed, the retaining spring comes right off.

3. The front pads are then pulled out, the
piston is pushed back, and new pads are inserted.
Above is a photo of pushing in the front piston. Be
Once the new pads are in, the retaining spring and
Pins are reinserted.

4. On to the rears. The rears are a little more
difficult. First step is to back off the parking
brake adjustment at the rear calipers until the
cable is loose. To retract the calipers, you must
turn caliper adjustment screws on the outboard and
inboard caliper. Before turning the caliper
adjustment screws, the caps off of each screw must
be removed. On the outboard caliper, the cap
requires a 13mm wrench. On the inboard caliper, we
used a 4mm hex wrench. Once the caps are removed,
we used a 4 mm hex wrench to turn the caliper
adjustment screws on both inboard and outboard
calipers. Don't ask me which way to turn the
screws, because I don't remember, and for at least
one side it was ass-backwards, I thought. The
picture above shows turning the allen screw on the
inboard side. Ignore the feeler guage on the left,
we get to that in the next step.

5. The pins on the caliper are held in by a
cotter pin. Remove the cotter pin, then remove the
caliper pins. Picture above shows it all.
6. Once the pistons are pushed out, new pads are
inserted. Then the pads are adjusted to 0.004
inches (0.1 mm) to set the parking brake. The photo
above (at step 4) shows me turning the inboard
caliper adjusting screw while Lou measures the gap
with a feeler gauge. (Yes, the same picture is
illustrating two steps).
The parking brake should be adjusted so that the
handle pulls up and grabs before it reaches the end
of its range. You may have to adjust it a couple
times until it is right. A small amount of
adjustment in the allen screws makes a BIG